Are all central London Italian restaurants the same?

Luce e Limoni Sicilian Restaurant

Most Italian restaurants in central London offer predictably similar menus. So it’s time to experience Sicilian Italian delights with a twist, at Luce e Limoni.

We offer quintessential Sicilian dishes with the delicious Mediterranean flavours of both Sicily and mainland Italy. In fact, Sicilian and mainland Italian cuisines share a rich culinary heritage but are distinctly influenced by their unique histories, geography and cultures. So here’s a brief overview to whet your appetite!

Sicily was under Arab rule between the 9th and 11th centuries, which had a significant impact on its cuisine. This influence is evident in the use of ingredients such as citrus fruits, saffron, almonds and sugar. Subsequent Norman, Spanish, and Greek dominations also left their mark. For example, the Spanish introduced ingredients like tomatoes, chocolate and maize. The Greek influence can be seen in dishes like caponata and the use of ricotta cheese.

Much of the mainland Italian cuisine has roots in ancient Roman traditions. This includes the widespread use of olive oil, wine, and simple, hearty dishes made from locally available ingredients. The various regions of mainland Italy have distinct culinary traditions shaped by local ingredients and historical influences. For example, Northern Italian cuisine is influenced by French and Austrian cuisine, using butter, rice, and corn (polenta), whereas Southern Italian cuisine, especially around Naples and the Amalfi Coast, focuses more on tomatoes, olive oil and fresh herbs. 

You’d be hard pressed to find other Italian restaurants in central London which draw on the diverse influences of Sicily and mainland Italy in the way Luce e Limoni does. And that’s in no short measure thanks to the fact that our founder and head chef Fabrizio started cooking in his native Sicily at the young age of 13, before training as a professional chef in mainland Italy.

While Sicilian and mainland Italian cuisines share common Italian culinary foundations, Sicily’s cuisine is distinctly influenced by its historical confluence of Mediterranean cultures and its island geography, which introduced unique flavours and ingredients. Those come to the fore in our thoughtfully compiled Sicilian-Italian menu. That’s why Luce e Limoni stands out among central London Italian restaurants. 

You’ll find us at 91-93 Gray’s Inn Road, Chancery Lane, London WC1X 8TX
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